Nutrition and the Brain
“Your body is precious. It is your vehicle for awakening. Treat with care.”
What a Brain Needs
Our brains, when healthy, can accommodate and tolerate a plethora of abuses. Everyone knows that too much sugar, too much salt, too much of all the wrong fats is not good for our bodies. But we indulge in these “treats” anyway, at least occasionally. But an injured brain, be it a concussion or some other type of injury, does not tolerate these little indulgences well. It is too busy trying to heal to accommodate the extra salt, sugar, or caffeine. It is always important for us to take care of our bodies and eat healthy. But it is especially critical for the healing brain. It is a non-negotiable!
The Supplement Question
The research is spotty at best on the true value of taking supplements. However, I find taking extra vitamins, fish oil and curcumin (a natural anti-inflammatory) supplements to be very helpful. That said, people differ and every concussion is unique. Disclaimer: I am not an expert! I am simply sharing what worked for me. I found valuable nutrition information on a web site created by a nutritionist who suffered from post-concussion syndrome: If nothing else, I highly recommend you take 2400-3600 mg of high quality fish oil. This is fish oil with high amounts of EPA and DHA. I personally take Carlson Wild Caught Elite Omega3 – 1600mg per soft gel two per day.
Best Nutrition
In Chapter 13 of my book I list a variety of important strategies I used to heal my broken brain. Eating a low sugar, low salt diet high in Omega-3’s was critical. During my first year of recovery I avoided all caffeine and alcohol, but now I indulge occasionally with great care. It is important to give our brains the optimum conditions so it can focus on full recovery. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, lots of eggs and fish and other low-fat protein sources is a very effective strategy to aid your brain’s healing process. Learning to take better care of our bodies is one of the gifts of a brain injury.