The Healing Power of Story
Wild flower growing on the side of the Silent Valley Walking Trail, Northern Ireland
"The world is not made of atoms. It is made of stories."
- Muriel Ruykeser
We Are Story
We all carry a brokenness as part of our stories. People with brain injuries have a physical brokenness at the very least. But often our recovery journey reveals a psychological and even spiritual brokenness as well. We often find that we are no longer who we used to be. This disconnection from our sense of self is disturbing. There is much written about “accepting the new normal” in the brain injury literature. But what about simply accepting our brokenness? Whether you have a brain injury or other health issue you are dealing with, it doesn’t matter. We are all broken in some way.
Connecting Through Story
It is through connecting with others that we heal our brokenness. This morning after my yoga class, a fellow student approached me. He said he read my book and thanked me for sharing my story. I asked him if he had experienced a brain injury also and he shared that he suffered from memory loss and cognition issues due to the side effects of medication he had taken. He was a scientist, and like me, had to retire early from a career he loved. The connection of our shared stories helped us both walk a little lighter.
The Healing Balm of Story
I had no idea (and still don’t) what I was doing when I wrote my book, Out of the Rabbit Hole. I told myself again and again I was writing about my experience so that I could help others. But I discovered a cosmic secret. The more I shared, the more I connected with others who were also broken in some way. This connection has a healing power, a balm for the broken. Share your story. It is often just the light another was looking for.